
Plate Objects#

class Plate()

Class for Plate objects.

Generate a structure to handle plates and contents of wells


  • size int - Number of wells within the plate.
  • id str - Unique identification of the plate object.
  • deadspace int - Volume of unaccessable / unreachable liquid within each well
  • rows list - row labels within plate e.g. ['A','B'...]
  • columns list - column labels within plate e.g. [1,2,3,4...]
  • well_volume int - volume of liquid within each well


def __init__(size: int, id: str = uuid.uuid4(), deadspace: int = None, rows: int = None, columns: int = None, well_volume: int = None)

Initiation object of Plate objects.

Plate can be initiated which just size without rows and columns if size is of regular 2:3 ratio one of [6, 24, 96, 384, 1536]


  • size int - Number of wells within the plate.
  • id str - Unique identification of the plate object.
  • deadspace int - Volume of unaccessable / unreachable liquid within each well
  • rows int - number of rows within the plate
  • columns int - number of columns within the plate
  • well_volume int - volume of liquid within each well


  • ValueError - If rows or columns is a not a postive integer, or if rows and columns are not supplied and size is not regular 2:3 ratio.


def __getitem__(k)

Return e.g. well A1's dict when calling myplate["A1"].


def set_well_id(well: str, id: str)

Set id of individual wells


def set_well_volume(well: str, volume: int)

Set volume of individual wells


def update_well_composition(well: str, volume: int, volume_id: str, volume_concentration: int = None)

Update composition of individual wells