Add Volume

Add volume to singular wells#

you can add volume using the plate utility function add_volume

from platemap import add_volume

When adding volume to wells in platemap adding a liquid id is predered and utilities can track proportions of different volumes through dilutions, transfers, dispensions and aspirations.

from platemap import Plate, add_volume
plate6 = Plate(size = 6, well_volume = 50000, deadspace = 10000)
destination_plate = plate6
destination_well = 'A1',
volume = 20000,
volume_id = 'water'
> {
"id": "A1",
"total_volume": 20000,
"composition": {"water": {"volume": 20000, "concentration": None}},

You can access contents of wells as above by using plate6['A1'] instead of using standard plate6.contents['A1']